
Educational Programs

Since the fall of 2007, Scribner’s Mill has offered educational programs for area elementary schools. These experiential learning opportunities compliment school curriculum and provide resources for educators to help them meet required Maine Learning Results. We are currently developing several new programs to offer to schools.

Learning experiences may include watching how shingles and dry barrels were made during the 19th century at the mill and having an opportunity to sign a shingle which will eventually be placed on the mill building.

Activities at the Scribner homestead include shelling and grinding corn for corn muffins, made in the homestead’s kitchen. The muffins are baked in a wood stove and butter is churned for the muffins which are enjoyed after a tour of the house. In the Fall, apples are press for cider. As students tour the mill and homestead they experience what life was like during the late 19th and early 20th century. The 5th grade students, who are studying the Civil War period, are introduced to the story of a young Bourdon Scribner, who in 1863 volunteered at the age of 18 to serve in the Union Army.



Educational Tours

Book your school or group for a hands-on tour. Follow in the footsteps of the Scribner Family in the turn-of-the-century operation of the homestead and mill.