We have tours on Memorial Day then on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the months of June-September, from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Tours are free (but we LOVE donations!). If you would like to stop by and look at the mill on the off season, please feel free to roam the grounds, but the mill will be locked for security. The mill and the Crooked River with the snow and ice in the winter are very beautiful and wonderful photo opportunities abound. In addition to our regular in-season hours, we host special tours and educational programs. We are closed during the winter.
Click here to learn more!
Scribner’s Mill is the only sash saw mill in the US that was family-owned, located on it original site, in its undisturbed rural setting with its seven restored structures including the Homestead complex, a working blacksmith shop, shingle mill and a coopers shop. It has a large collection of original archives/artifacts, family stories that center around the operation that have been passed down through six generations.
The sash saw is in place!
Work by master craftsman Matt Charlebois.
Al MacGregor Photography
Prints of photos from Scribners Mill are available from Al MacGregor Photography. 20% of sales go to Scribners Mill. ORDER HERE
Scribner’s Mill book
Explore the history of the mill and the story of the remarkable man and his family that ran the mill and homestead. Written by Marilyn Hatch.
March 2023 drone view
January 2, 2021
The Davis Family Foundation is a public charitable foundation established by Phyllis C. Davis and H. Halsey Davis of Falmouth, Maine, to support educational, medical and cultural/arts organizations located primarily in Maine.
The Foundation was established following Mr. Davis' retirement as President and Chairman of Shaw’s Supermarkets, Inc. Their overriding goal for the Foundation was simple and straightforward: “to make grants where they will do the most good and where our gifts make a real difference.” The Foundation has provided more than $63.5 million in grants since its grantmaking activities began in 1986.
Thanks to P&K gravel for allowing Tom Scribner to bring the excavator he works with, during the week, to the Mill to lay the granite foundation. In 5 hours he had the foundation holes dug, the holes filled with stone, and a granite foundation stone put in place.
With the $15,000 grant, that was received on December 31, 2020 from the Davis Family Foundation, we are on our way to constructing the Exhibit Shed to house the antique mill equipment donated to Scribner's Mill Preservation.
Thanks to all who are supporting this project with time, talents, and financial support.